Accidentally deleted web.config

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Accidentally deleted web.config

I have accidentally deleted web.config from the web directory. I don't have any back up. How should i regenerate it??
  • Replied by SPB on Monday, November 21 2011, 02:54 AM · Hide · #1
    Hi siva,

    Open you Visual Studio

    Create a new website project which has same type with your current website.

    Copy it's web.config file to your current website.

    Open the web.config file and modify it to suit your current website.

    It's the fastest way ;)
    Team lead @HA
    Replied by Jacob on Sunday, November 20 2011, 02:24 AM · Hide · #2
    Refer to for creating your Web.config

    if this doesn't work out for you then please contact support for help setting up config. (Ticket)
    Technical specialist HostASP
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