choose Window Hosting USA and Window Hosting India.

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choose Window Hosting USA and Window Hosting India.

what would be the difference in service & product if i choose Window Hosting USA and Window Hosting India. How it would matter for me.
i hace found out that Hosting Iin India is costlier for me.
(i live in India - New Delhi)
    Replied by Jacob on Tuesday, December 18 2012, 04:50 PM · Hide · #1
    Yes, web hosting in India is bit expensive compared to US, the ISP rates in India are quite expensive comparatively. The only other difference is the location. Feature wise both web hosting India and USA are same. If you customers mostly depend on Indian market then I would suggest you go for India location, you would get better latency.
    • Shreenivas Yella - more than a month ago
      Sorry this vote was given accidentally. really it is Good answer.
    Technical specialist HostASP
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